Common Error Codes

Error codes are messages that appear in the game client and explain why the game isn’t working properly. Each message includes a brief explanation of the problem followed by a four or five-digit number. While the first number represents the general error that occurred, the rest of the code is useful for the ArenaNet team as they diagnose the source of the problem:

error code : product : module : line : program

To begin troubleshooting the problem, use the first number of the error code to reference the list of codes (and their recommended solutions) below. For more information about error codes, you can also visit the official Guild Wars 2 wiki page.

Common Error Codes

Here is a list of the most common error codes you'll encounter in Guild Wars 2:


Error Message



The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again

Error 7 indicates a general disconnect from the game server. This will happen whenever your connection to the game server is disrupted: whether due to an internet hiccup or triggered by a bug which causes the server to disconnect from the client.

More about Error Code 7.


The game client lost its connection to the server.

Make sure your computer's time and date are set correctly, then try again.


The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges. Please contact Customer Support to provide them with your registered email address. For additional support, please visit

Error 21 is a fairly rare error code that pops up when the game is unable to find a game account associated with your login information. This is often the case when trying to access Guild Wars with your Guild Wars 2 account or vice versa, and will often prevent you from accessing the game.

More about Error Code 21.


The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit

Error 42 indicates an interruption in your connection to the game's account servers, which handle everything from login to numerous social systems in the game, including guilds and chat. The error can occur both before and after you've already logged into the game, preventing you from logging in or disrupting your access to certain systems if you're logged-in when problems arise.

More about Error Code 42.


This error normally occurs due to a password error. Please clear the password field and re-type it manually. If you have the "Remember Password" box checked, please un-check this box and restart the client.

Click here to reset your password, if needed.

Make sure you’re using the email address associated with your account in the “Account Name” field, rather than your Display Name. Your Display Name is formatted as a name followed by four digits (for example, “Gamer.1234”) and is used in the game and on the forums to identify you while protecting the privacy of your email address.


The game client was unable to connect to the log-in server. Please restart your client and try again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support for assistance at

Error 58 codes arise when your client is unable to establish a connection with the game login servers. This is usually a client-side issue most commonly associated with an aggressive antivirus program, firewall, or router configuration which blocks your client's connection. On the server-side, this error will pop up when the login data centers are experiencing network issues.

More about Error Code 58.


The access key you have entered has been disabled. Please visit the Guild Wars support website for help and information.

Error 122 means that your account has been disabled. This is often due to an issue with the key, usually when it is purchased from an unauthorized seller.

Please contact the distributor of the key for more information. If you purchased the key directly from our website, please contact our support team with the details of your purchase.


Network error. Please check your Internet connection and try again.

Error 1032 generally means that your home world transfer hasn't finished processing. Give it a few minutes before trying to login again.


Network error. Please check your internet connection and try again.

This error usually occurs when the game server you were previously on has crashed. You should be able to log in again after waiting a few minutes. 


This account has been blocked for security purposes. Please contact customer support for assistance. 

This error indicates that the game account has been blocked or banned. Please contact our support team for assistance.




The code you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again.

This error usually shows as Error 3051:1012:0:0 and means you will need to change your account password. You can update your password here. For more information on how to change your password, you may refer to this article.
If you encounter issues with updating your password, please send an email to:


There's an issue with Steam. Please close and restart Guild Wars 2.

This error typically occurs when the permissions to access the relevant folders for the game have been restricted.

To resolve this issue, please follow the steps outlined for Windows User Permission & Force Run as Admin, available within this article.

Error Code List

Here is a list of error codes you may encounter in the game. For any other error codes that aren't included below, please contact our support team with a detailed description of the problem and the full error code.

Error Code 5

Error Message

"Guild Wars was unable to connect to the game server due to a network or server error. If this problem persists; please visit the Guild Wars support website."

What is an Error 5?

Error 5 is an error message that points to one of two network issues:

  1. In most circumstances, the error is due to a router or network issue preventing a stable connection to the game servers.
  2. In the event of a widespread problem, it can also indicate a server network issue. In this case, the problem is handled by the ArenaNet and NCSoft Operations teams.

How do I fix an Error 5?

If you are connected to a weak or variable internet, you may want to find a more stable connection before reconnecting to the game. You can also follow these troubleshooting steps if you experience issues while playing on a stable connection:

  1. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your modem can help fix several common connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in the memory of your router.
  2. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  3. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game.


If you're noticing the problem on a particular character (i.e. you cannot login with a particular character, or you're kicked from the game when playing one of your characters), you can use a command line parameter to fix the issue:

  1. Create a shortcut to your Guild Wars 2 client (gw2.exe, Gw2-64.exe) by right-clicking the file and selecting "Create Shortcut."

  2. Now right-click the shortcut and choose "Properties."

  3. In the line that reads "Target," add a space at the end of the line and then add the following tag: -prefreset

  4. Your target line should now look something like this: C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -prefreset

  5. Click "Apply" and then "OK."

  6. Launch your client and log into a character on which you've been experiencing issues.

  7. If the issue appears to be resolved after a few minutes of playing, exit the game, open your shortcut Properties, and remove the -prefreset tag from the Target line. Click "Apply" and then "OK."


If these basic steps do not help, try these more advanced troubleshooting steps:

  1. Adjust the 'security' setting within your firewall settings. Lowering this setting to 'medium' or 'low' can help clear up connection issues.

  2. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

  3. In the event that adjusting your security and port settings does not resolve the issue, please try temporarily uninstalling your security software completely. If this does resolve the issue, please contact the software manufacturer for instructions on how to configure it correctly if you wish to reinstall it.

Code Variants

You may receive one of several Error 5 codes if you're experiencing a network issue. Please include the full error code if you decide to contact support about the problem:

  • 5:11:3:157:101
  • 5:11:3:159:101


Error Code 7

Error Message

"The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again."


What is an Error 7?

Error 7 indicates a general disconnect from the game server. This will happen whenever your connection to the game server is disrupted—whether due to an internet hiccup or when triggered by a bug that causes the server to disconnect from the client.

How do I fix an Error 7?

If you're connected to a weak or variable internet, you may want to find a more stable connection before reconnecting to the game. You can also follow these troubleshooting steps if you experience issues while playing on a stable connection:

  1. Completely exit the game and close the client. Wait five minutes, then re-launch the game and try again.

  2. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your devices can help fix several common connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in their memory.

  3. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  4. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game.


If these basic steps do not help, try these more advanced troubleshooting steps:

  1. Adjust the 'security' setting within your firewall settings. Lowering this setting to 'medium' or 'low' can help clear up connection issues.

  2. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

  3. In the event that adjusting your security and port settings does not resolve the issue, please try temporarily uninstalling your security software completely. If this does resolve the issue, please contact the software manufacturer for instructions on how to configure it correctly if you wish to reinstall it.

Code Variants

Several Error 7 code variants can appear when you disconnect from the game. While the full error code is tracked internally to help the ArenaNet team address server-side issues, they always indicate a client disconnect from the game servers.

Here is the current list of code variants you might encounter while playing Guild Wars 2:

  • 7:0:0:793:101
  • 7:0:0:1026:101
  • 7:1000:7006:383
  • 7:1000:7006:462
  • 7:1000:7006:653:101 
  • 7:1000:7006:771:101
  • 7:11:1:502
  • 7:11:3:189:101
  • 7:11:3:191:101


Error Code 11

Error Message

"The account name or password you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again."


What is an Error 11?

The most common cause of this error is when attempting to log in to the game with an incorrect account name or password. In some rare circumstances, the error will also appear if the login servers are experiencing network disruptions that disrupt your connection or ability to enter the game.

How do I fix an Error 11?

There are a few things to check if you're receiving an Error 11:

  • Your password is case-sensitive, meaning that all capital and lowercase letters must match the password on file for the account.
  • Make sure your CAPS LOCK key is not enabled when typing your password.
  • In the Account Name field, make sure you are using the email address rather than the Display Name (i.e. "DisplayName.1234") of your account.
  • In the Account Name field, ensure your email address is typed correctly.


If you've confirmed all of the above, here are a few additional steps you can take to access your account:

  • Type out your password in a notepad document and ensure that there are no extra spaces or line breaks. Then select, copy, and paste the password straight into the 'Password' field on the login screen.
  • Un-check the 'Remember Account Name' box and re-launch the client. In the blank fields, re-enter your account name (your email address) and password.
  • Try resetting your password. For suggestions on how to choose a strong, unique password, check out this article.

If all else fails, contact out support team for assistance. Be sure to provide the full error code you're receiving in addition to the following:

  • Account Name (your email address)
  • First and Last Name
  • The Date of Birth listed on your account
  • Your Guild Wars 2 Serial Code
  • Display Name (including the 4-digit number after the name, such as “Gamer.1234”)
  • A detailed description of the problem.

Code Variants

You may receive one of several Error 11 codes if you are having trouble accessing your account. Please include the full error code if you decide to contact support about the problem:

  • 11:1000:7006:679
  • 11:1000:7006:743:101
  • 11:1001:2:1262
  • 11:1001:2:1270
  • 11:1001:8008:186
  • 11:1001:8008:188
  • 11:1012:7:945


Error Code 19

Error Message

"The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly 'caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through campus network. For additional support, please visit"

What is an Error 19?

An Error 19 means that the map or instance you're trying to enter cannot be found. This may be because the map is locked, cannot be accessed until certain conditions are met, or because the game server has encountered an error.

How do I fix an Error 19?

As long as you have met the conditions to enter a map, the error may correct itself by logging out of the game, waiting for a few minutes, and then logging back in. You can also try accessing the map on a different character to verify whether you receive the same error.

If you continue to receive the error code after several minutes, please contact our support team for assistance.

Code Variants

  • 19:9:18:1809:101


Error Code 21

Error Message

"The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges. Please contact Customer Support to provide them with your registered e-mail address. For additional support, please visit"

What is an Error 21?

Error 21 is an uncommon error code that appears when the game is unable to find a game account associated with your login information. The most likely scenario in which the code appears is when trying to access Guild Wars with your Guild Wars 2 account, or vice versa.

How do I fix an Error 21?

Here's a few troubleshooting steps to take before contacting support:

  1. Locate your local.dat file—usually stored in your Documents > Guild Wars 2 folder by default—and delete it.

  2. Next, find your Gw2.tmp file—typically found in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2 folder—and delete it as well.

  3. After both files have been deleted, launch Guild Wars 2, download any updates, and log in again to see if the problem persists.

If you are still encountering the error, please submit a technical support help request

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the Error 21 code that will pop up depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 21:5:11:2520:101
  • 21:5:11:2866:101
  • 21:6:3:362:101
  • 21:6:3:2157
  • 21:6:3:2823
  • 21:76:5:1262:101


Error Code 27

Error Message

"Invalid Name: Too Short"

What is an Error 27?

An Error 27 denotes that a character name is too short.

How do I fix an Error 27?

While the game should automatically prevent you from ever creating a character with a name that is less than 3 characters (the minimum length), you may encounter this error if a bug or error allows you to create a character with an invalid name.

If you do encounter this error, please submit a ticket so the customer support team can help you make the necessary adjustments and correct the problem.


Error Code 29

Error Message

""<character name>" is already in use.

Please select a different name and try again."


What is an Error 29?

An Error 29 will appear during character creation if you attempt to create a new character with a name that is already in use or reserved by another player or character.

How do I fix an Error 29?

When creating a new character in Guild Wars, you will need to choose a unique name that is not currently in use by another character. Try experimenting with variants of the name or coming up with a unique name that is not already in use.

You can also read up on more character-creation tips on the official wiki.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance:

  • 29:6:6:422:101
  • 29:6:6:459:101
  • 29:6:16:456:101


Error Code 31

Error Message

"Inappropriate name. "<name>" contains words or letter combinations that are not permitted.

Please select a different name and try again."


What is an Error 31?

An Error 31 will appear during character creation if you try to use a word or characters that are not permitted in the game.

How do I fix an Error 31?

The game will automatically prevent the creation of most characters with obscene or offensive names.

Please note that if you successfully bypass this safeguard and create a character with an inappropriate or offensive name—even if indirectly, partially, or suggestively offensive—your account may be subject to suspension or even termination.

Code Variants

  • 31:5:35:3520:101


Error Code 35

Error Message

"Disconnected. Another client has connected to Guild Wars 2 using this account. Please try again later."


What is an Error 35?

An Error 35 appears when your account is accessed from a second location while you are already logged in to the client.

How do I fix an Error 35?

At any given time, you can only be logged in with (and play) your account from one location at a time. If your account is accessed from a second location when you are already logged in, the first login session will be automatically disconnected.

If you are concerned that your account is being accessed by an unauthorized party, we'd recommend resetting your password immediately to prevent misuse of your account. If you continue to experience disconnects, you can also submit a ticket so our customer support team can work with you to protect your account.

Code Variants

  • 35:5:1:332:101
  • 35:5:1:822:101
  • 35:5:1:826:101


Error Code 42

Error Message

"The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit"


What is an Error 42?

An Error 42 indicates an interruption in your connection to the game's account servers, which handle everything from login requests to the social systems in the game—including your guild rosters, friends list, and chat channels. The error can occur both before and after you've already logged into the game: either preventing you from playing entirely, or disrupting your access to certain systems if you're already logged-in when problems arise.

On the client-side, the error appears when a network issue disrupts your connection to the account servers. On the server-side, the error can be caused when the servers themselves are experiencing network issues.

How do I fix an Error 42?

Network issues on the server-side are often resolved within a few minutes. While you're waiting, there are a few steps you can take to try and troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Completely exit the game and close the client. Wait five minutes, then re-launch the game and try again.

  2. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  3. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your modem can help fix several common connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in the memory of your router.

  4. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game.

  5. If you're using a wireless router, unplug the cable that runs from your modem to the router and use it to plug your computer straight into the modem. Reboot your computer and try connecting again. If you are able to connect successfully, the problem may be caused by your router.


If these basic steps do not help, try these more advanced troubleshooting steps:

  1. Adjust the 'security' setting within your firewall settings. Lowering this setting to 'medium' or 'low' can help clear up connection issues.

  2. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

Please note that more severe network outages may take longer to resolve; if this is the case, be sure to watch our social channels for the latest updates on the situation.

Code Variants

While there are several Error 42 code variants that can show up when experiencing connectivity issues, all of them represent the same root issue. Here is the current list of code variants you might encounter while playing Guild Wars 2:

  • 42:0:9001:3858:101
  • 42:0:9001:3916:101
  • 42:0:9001:3927
  • 42:0:9001:3927:101
  • 42:0:9001:3928
  • 42:0:9001:3968
  • 42:0:9001:4105
  • 42:0:9001:4126
  • 42:0:9001:4395
  • 42:0:9001:4402
  • 42:0:9001:4402:101
  • 42:0:9001:4418
  • 42:0:9001:4419
  • 42:0:9001:4414
  • 42:0:9001:4414:101
  • 42:1000:7006:1219
  • 42:1000:7006:1230
  • 42:1000:7006:1232
  • 42:1000:7006:1232:101
  • 42:1000:7006:1327:101
  • 42:1000:7006:1339
  • 42:1000:7006:852
  • 42:1000:7006:854
  • 42:1000:7006:888
  • 42:1000:7006:888:101
  • 42:1000:7006:891:101
  • 42:1000:9001:4105:101
  • 42:1000:9001:4119:101
  • 42:1003:901:1391
  • 42:1030:7:208
  • 42:4:11:143:101
  • 42:4:18:516:101
  • 42:4:7:578
  • 42:4:7:602
  • 42:5:13:210:101
  • 42:5:13:318:101
  • 42:5:7:1008:101
  • 42:6:3:2060
  • 42:6:3:2158
  • 42:6:3:2242
  • 42:22:4:1276:101


Error Code 43

Error Message

"You have already created the maximum number of characters for this account. Please delete one of your existing characters if you wish to create a new one."

What is an Error 43?

An Error 43 will appear if you try to create more characters than the number of character slots you've unlocked on an account.

How do I fix an Error 43?

You will need to purchase additional character slots or delete an existing character if you want to create a new character. If you are playing on a free account, you can also upgrade your account to increase the base number of character slots from two to five.

Note that the maximum number of character slots allowed on any given account is 69.

Code Variants

  • 43:6:3:2157


Error Code 45

Error Message

"Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended.... Access will be restored in approximately...hour[s]."


What is an Error 45?

Error 45 is a message that appears if your account has been suspended. There are several circumstances that can result in an account suspension:

  • The account may have been caught violating the terms of service.
  • The account may have violated the rules of conduct in the game or on the forum.
  • The account may have been flagged for using a third-party program to cheat or gain an advantage in the game.
  • In some cases, the account is banned due to a verified hacking attempt. If we detect that your account has been compromised, we will try to ban it as quickly as possible to prevent any tampering with your characters, inventory, or progress.

You can read more about what actions may result in an account suspension in these articles: 

Note that the message and duration of the ban varies based on the offense. If, for whatever reason, you have questions about a suspension, you are encouraged to contact our support team for more details.

How do I fix an Error 45?

You are always welcome to contact our support team for more information or to appeal a ban on your own account. Please note that we will never disclose information about any account other than your own; if you have a friend, partner, or spouse with questions about a suspension, they will need to contact the support team directly.

Code Variants

  • 45:6:3:2157
  • 45:6:3:2823


Error Code 48

Error Message

"The server was unable to authenticate your gameplay privileges. Please contact Customer Support to provide them with your registered email address. For additional support please visit"

What is an Error 48?

An Error 48 appears if your login credentials are no longer accurate.

How do I fix an Error 48?

If you receive an Error 48 when trying to login, take a moment to clear and re-enter your login credentials:

  1. Launch your Guild Wars 2 game client.
  2. If the 'Remember Account Name' and 'Remember Password' boxes are checked, un-check them and re-launch your client.
  3. Enter your login information and hit 'Log In.'

If you are still unable to login successfully, try resetting your password.

If all else fails, please contact our support team with the full error code and a detailed description of the problem; they'll work to get you back online and playing as quickly as possible!

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 48:1000:7006:358:101
  • 48:1000:7006:529:101
  • 48:1000:7006:1246
  • 48:1000:7006:1247
  • 48:1000:7006:1248


Error Code 49

Error Message

"Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation (permission denied)."

What is an Error 49?

Error 49 is an uncommon error code that appears when you do not have the permissions to complete a particular action.

How do I fix an Error 49?

If you're having trouble logging into the game, it may be that your account no longer has the permissions to do so. This is usually due to a problem with the key you purchased or with your account. You will need to contact support with the full error code for more information or assistance.

Note that the Currency Exchange becomes available 5 days after upgrading an account. You can read more about the limitations of brand-new accounts on the official Guild Wars 2 wiki.

If you are unable to access a particular map, it may be disabled due to a bug or exploit. You can visit the official Guild Wars 2 Twitter account or check the official forum for updates about the situation.

If you are receiving the error when trying to manage your guild, it may be that your guild permissions have been changed. Take a moment to review your ranks by opening your guild panel (G) and then selecting the bottom tab (Ranks).

If you are receiving the error code for any other reason, take a moment to contact support with the full error code and a detailed description of what happened when it appeared.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 49:5:37:2515:101
  • 49:53:3:564:101
  • 49:57:7:541:101
  • 49:57:7:569:101
  • 49:57:7:585:101
  • 49:57:7:591:101
  • 49:59:0:0:101
  • 49:1000:7006:1248
  • 49:1001:8000:882:101
  • 49:1002:03:2665:101
  • 49:1004:8001:2695:101


Error Code 58

Error Message

"The game client was unable to connect to the log-in server. Please restart your client and try again. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support for assistance at"

What is an Error 58?

An Error 58 will appear if your client is unable to establish a connection with the game login servers. This is most commonly associated with an aggressive antivirus program, firewall, or router configuration that blocks your client's connection to the server.

In some rare cases, this error can also pop up if the login data centers are experiencing network issues.

How do I fix an Error 58?

The first steps are to check and reset any programs that might be blocking your client's connection to the login servers:

  1. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  2. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your modem can fix connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in the memory of your router.

  3. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game. 

If you continue to have trouble, there's one more step you can try before contacting support:

  1. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

If you continue to see this error after ensuring you have the correct ports enabled, please submit a technical support ticket so our team can provide assistance.

Please note that server-side, network-related outages may take longer to resolve; if this is the case, be sure to watch our social channels for the latest updates as we work to resolve the issues.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 58:11:1:800
  • 58:11:2:1064:101
  • 58:11:5:218:101
  • 58:11:5:504:101
  • 58:11:5:512
  • 58:11:5:512:101
  • 58:11:5:535
  • 58:11:5:535:101


Error Code 67

Error Message

"You must verify your e-mail address before playing the game.

An email has been sent to <email address>. Click on the link in the email to confirm your account. Your email address will be contacted when you attempt to login from a non-trusted computer.

If you need assistance with this process, please visit our support site for help."


What is an Error 67?

An Error 67 appears when logging in with an account that has not been verified.

How do I fix an Error 67?

Check your email for a message with the subject, "Activate Your Guild Wars Account." This email message will have a link you can follow to verify your email address, after which point you will be able to login and play.

Code Variants

  • 67:49:7004:823


Error Code 122

Error Message

"The access key you have entered has been disabled. Please visit the Guild Wars support website for help and information."

What is an Error 122?

An Error 122 means that a game key on your account has been disabled. There are a few reasons you might receive this error:

  • If the account was created using a temporary promotional key.
  • The key was purchased from an unauthorized seller.
  • The account was disabled following a refund request.

How do I fix an Error 122?

If the key was a recent purchase, follow the steps below:

  • If you purchased a key from an external retailer, please contact the retailer where you purchased the key for assistance.
  • If you were issued a defective Access Key via the official Guild Wars 2 store, please contact our support team for assistance. Please include the 25-digit key, the email address of your account, and the last four digits of the credit card used to purchase the key.

If it is an older purchase, please feel free to contact our support team for additional assistance.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 122:4:5:1272
  • 122:4:5:1900
  • 122:4:5:2306
  • 122:4:5:2415
  • 122:4:5:2479
  • 122:12:4:1931:101


Error Code 1004

Error Message

"Connection failed. Please try again."


What is an Error 1004?

An Error 1004 is a rare server error that appears when a game server has crashed or is otherwise inaccessible.

How do I fix an Error 1004?

This error indicates an issue with one or more of the game servers, so we encourage patience while our server programmers work to find and address the problem. While you're waiting, you can visit the official Guild Wars 2 Twitter account or check the official forum for details and updates about the situation.

Code Variants

  • 1004:6:3:2126


Error Code 1006

Error Message

"Network error . Please check your Internet connection and try again."

What is an Error 1006?

An Error 1006 is an uncommon error that appears when your account is trying to access an invalid world.

How do I fix an Error 1006?

Though rare, an Error 1006 appears when something goes wrong while trying to chat, play, or use the LFG tool to group up with players in a different region. If you receive an Error 1006, we recommend contacting support with an image, video, or detailed description of the steps that led to the error.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 1006.9.7.388.101
  • 1006:9:7:390:101
  • 1006:9:7:392:101


Error Code 1022

Error Message

"Network error . Please check your Internet connection and try again."

What is an Error 1022?

An Error 1022 usually indicates a connection issue between your computer and the game servers. This is due to packet loss, and often manifests when connecting to the game or sending items to another player using the in-game mail system.

How do I fix an Error 1022?

The first steps are to check and reset any programs that might be blocking your client's connection to the login servers:

  1. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  2. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your modem can fix connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in the memory of your router.

  3. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game.

  4. If you're using a wireless router, unplug the cable that runs from your modem to the router and use it to plug your computer straight into the modem. Reboot your computer and try connecting again. If you are able to connect successfully, the problem may be caused by your router.


If the basic steps do not help, try these more advanced troubleshooting steps:

  1. Adjust the 'security' setting within your firewall settings. Lowering this setting to 'medium' or 'low' will often clear up connection issues.
  2. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

If you continue to see this error after ensuring you have the correct ports enabled, please submit a technical support help request.

Please note that server-side, network-related outages may take longer to resolve; if this is the case, be sure to watch our social channels for the latest updates as we work to resolve the issues.

Code Variants

  • 1022:5:1:874:101
  • 1022:5:1:876:101


Error Code 1032

Error Message

"Your world transfer is currently being processed. High demand may cause this to take longer than expected. Thank you for your patience."


What is an Error 1032?

An Error 1032 generally means that your home world transfer hasn't finished processing. 

How do I fix an Error 1032?

When you swap between worlds, it can take few minutes to complete the transfer—particularly if swapping between server regions (such as from North America to Europe). Try waiting for five minutes so the transfer can complete, then try logging in again.

If you continue to receive the error code after several minutes, please contact our support team for assistance.

Code Variants

  • 1032:5:1:758:101
  • 1032:6:3:2126
  • 1032:11:2:613:101


Error Code 1038

Error Message

"You are attempting to log in with an account that does not have Guild Wars 2 registered to it. Please register a Guild Wars 2 serial code to this account. For additional information, please visit"


What is an Error 1038?

An Error 1038 means that the account you're using does not have a valid game key applied to it.

How do I fix an Error 1038?

The most common cause of this error is when trying to login to the game using an account that doesn't have full access rights to the game.

  • If you created a demo account which was never upgraded to a full account, you'll need to do so before you're able to play the game. You can purchase Guild Wars 2 to receive a serial code, or you can contact support for more options on how to upgrade your account.
  • If you used a valid serial key when creating your account, it may have been added to a different email address than the one you're currently using to login. Try searching for an official email in your mailbox to verify the address you used when creating your account.
  • If you're trying to use your classic Guild Wars account to access Guild Wars 2, you will first need to link your accounts before you're able to login. You can learn more about how to do so in this article.

Finally, if none of these steps work, feel free to contact our support team for additional details and assistance; they'll help you investigate and figure out what's preventing you from accessing the game.

Code Variants

  • 1038:11:4:1419:101
  • 1038:11:4:1525
  • 1038:11:4:1994
  • 1038:11:4:2001
  • 1038:11:4:2003


Error Code 1065

Error Message

"The game client has been disconnected due to an excessive period of player inactivity."

What is an Error 1065?

If the game detects that you've been inactive for too long a period of time, your connection will automatically time out with an Error 1065.

How do I fix an Error 1065?

Simply reconnect using your login credentials. If you receive an error when trying to log back in, exit the game, wait for a minute, and then re-launch your client before attempting to reconnect again.

Code Variants

  • 1065:5:1:292:101
  • 1065:5:1:306:101


Error Code 1076

Error Message

"Connection failed. Please try again."


What is an Error 1076?

In most scenarios, an Error 1076 represents an error in the account-creation process that disrupted the setup of your account. If the account is not configured properly, it may prevent you from logging in to the game.

In some rare cases, the error can also appear if using an account created exclusively to play during a beta event, as it may not have full game access outside of the scheduled event.

How do I fix an Error 1076?

In any scenario where you receive this error, we ask that you contact our support team so they can complete the setup of your account. Make sure to complete all of the ticket fields as thoroughly as possible to verify ownership of the account.

Code Variants

  • 1076:4:5:2477


Error Code 1083

Error Message

"Network error. Please check your internet connection and try again."


What is an Error 1083?

An Error 1083 appears when the game server you were previously on has crashed. You should be able to log in again after waiting a few minutes. 

How do I fix an Error 1083?

When a server crashes, it may prevent you from logging in or logging in with the specific character that was on the server when it crashed. You can sometimes log in with a character on a different map to continue playing, or you can wait a few minutes to access the character you were playing when you experienced the error code.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 1083:5:7:1595:101
  • 1083:5:7:1596
  • 1083:5:7:1609:101
  • 1083:5:7:2595:101


Error Code 3002

Error Message

"The email address you entered was not found. If you have an active game account, please try again."


What is an Error 3002?

An Error 3002 will appear when trying to search for, invite, or whisper an individual without using their full email, name, or display name.

How do I fix an Error 3002?

Make sure you enter a valid character or account name when searching for another player in the game. If using the Display Name of their ArenaNet account, make sure you include the numbers appended at the end of the name (i.e. John Doe.1234).

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 3002:1008:1:471:101
  • 3002:1008:1:477:101
  • 3002:1008:1:596:101


Error Code 3005

Error Message

"Connection Failed. Please try again."

What is an Error 3005?

An Error 3005 appears when too many SMS authentication requests are received within a short period of time.

How do I fix an Error 3005?

To bypass the error, you will need to wait at least ten minutes (or a few hours if you continue to receive an error) before trying to log in again.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 3005:1015:2:910
  • 3005:1056:2:522


Error Code 3032

Error Message

"Network error . Please check your Internet connection and try again."

What is an Error 3032?

An Error 3032 denotes a connection issue with the game servers.

How do I fix an Error 3032?

The first steps are to check and reset any programs that might be blocking your client's connection to the login servers:

  1. Reboot your PC. Giving your computer a chance to reset can fix any number of issues that might affect your connectivity to the game.

  2. Reset your router and modem. Rebooting your modem can fix connection problems, improve slow connections, and clear out any issues stored in the memory of your router.

  3. Temporarily disable any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee, and then re-launch the game.


If you continue to have trouble, there's one more thing to try before contacting support:

  1. Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, and 6112 to be fully unrestricted and accessible—both inbound and outbound. You can learn more about how to configure your firewall and router ports in this article.

If you continue to see this error after ensuring you have the correct ports enabled, please submit a technical support help request.

Please note that server-side, network-related outages may take longer to resolve; if this is the case, be sure to watch our social channels for the latest updates as we work to resolve the issues.

Code Variants

Like other error codes, there are variants of the code that will appear depending on your specific circumstance. We ask that you include the full error code when submitting a ticket to our support team:

  • 3032:1002:3:3072:101
  • 3032:1002.3:3074:101
  • 3032:1002:3:3105:101
  • 3032:1002:3:3942:101
  • 3032:1002:3:3944:101
  • 3032:1002:3:4095:101
  • 3032:1002:3:4350:101
  • 3032:1002:3:4372:101