Payment error codes and error messages appear during checkout and help to explain why a purchase attempt is failing. While the error messages presented are provided to help identify the cause of the error, below are some additional details, including troubleshooting suggestions, for the common payment error codes.
Code |
Error Message |
Troubleshooting |
104-108 |
Something went wrong, please try again later! |
This error is likely due to a web browser issue. Please try a different browser or enabling JavaScript on your current browser before attempting your purchase again. |
80401-80405 |
Your purchase could not be completed at this time. Please contact Support for assistance. |
This error may be due to a connection issue. Please try your purchase again. If you continue to receive this error, please contact Support for assistance. |
80601-80609 | Your purchase could not be completed at this time. Please contact Support for assistance. | This error may be due to a connection issue. Please try your purchase again. If you continue to receive this error, please contact Support for assistance. |
80805 | We are unable to accept payments from your region. | We cannot accept payments from your location. You will need to purchase this item from an authorized local/online retailer. |
80808 | Your purchase could not be completed at this time. Please contact Support for assistance. | Your purchase attempt was prevented due to our general security checks and purchase limits. Please contact Support for assistance. |
80809-80811 | An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again. | A connection issue likely occurred during checkout. Please try your purchase again. |
80826 | You have reached the maximum limit of items in your cart. Please complete your purchase before adding additional items. | You have too many items in your cart. Please remove any items that cause this error and try again. |
100001-100004 | Your purchase could not be completed at this time. Please contact Support for assistance. | This error may be due to a connection issue. Please try your purchase again. If you continue to receive this error, please contact Support for assistance. |
100202 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The billing address associated with your payment method is not valid. Try re-entering the billing address. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance with the billing information associated with your payment method. |
99169 | An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again. | A connection issue likely occurred during checkout. Please try your purchase again. |
100202 |
Please double check and re-enter your billing information. |
The billing address associated with your payment method is not valid. Try re-entering the billing address. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance with the billing information associated with your payment method. |
100204 |
Please double check and re-enter your billing information. |
The first & last name associated with the payment is not valid. Try re-entering the name. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance with the billing information associated with your payment method. |
100205 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The payment method you are attempting to use is not accepted by our payment processor. Please try using a different payment method. |
100206 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | No CVV was entered. If the card does not have a CVV code, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100207 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The card expiration date you entered is not valid. Try re-entering the CVV code on the back of the card being used. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100208 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The card number entered is not valid. Try re-entering the full card number. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100214 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | There was an error authorizing the entered CVV code. Try re-entering the CVV code on the back of the card being used. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100215 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The billing postal/zip code entered is not valid. Try re-entering the postal/zip code associated with the payment method being used. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance with the billing information associated with your payment method. |
100216 | Card cannot be accepted. Please try using a different payment method. | This card cannot be used to make a purchase due to a flag by the card issuer. Please use a different payment method or contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100234 | Card cannot be accepted. Please try using a different payment method. | This card cannot be used to make a purchase as it's not an accepted card type. Please use a different payment method. |
100402 | Insufficient funds. Please try using a different payment method. | The payment method does not have the funds to complete this purchase. Please use a different payment method or contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100405 | This card is expired. Please use a valid payment method. | The expiration date on the card being used is past the current date. Please use a card that has a valid expiration date. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100406 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The card number entered is not valid. Try re-entering the full card number. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100407 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The card expiration date is not valid. Try re-entering the CVV code on the back of the card being used. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100411 | Please double check and re-enter your billing information. | The CVV is not valid. Try re-entering the CVV code on the back of the card being used. If error continues, please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100412-100413 | Card cannot be accepted. Please try using a different payment method. | This card cannot be used to make a purchase due to a flag by the card issuer. Please use a different payment method or contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100417 | Card cannot be accepted. Please try using a different payment method. | This card cannot be used to make a purchase due to a flag by the card issuer. Please use a different payment method or contact your financial institution for assistance. |
100435 |
Your attempt was declined by the financial institution. Please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
The payment method being used is being declined by the bank. Please contact your financial institution for assistance or try a different payment method. |
100455 |
Your attempt was declined by the financial institution. Please contact your financial institution for assistance. |
The payment method being used is being declined. Please contact PayPal for assistance or try a different payment method. |
If the Error Code and/or Error Message you are receiving is not included in the list above, please contact Support for further assistance concerning your purchase attempt.