Configuring your Router and Firewall Ports

Guild Wars 2 requires three open ports to ensure proper communication between the client (the game on your computer) and the game servers. Depending your firewall, antivirus program, router, and even your domain, these ports might be restricted, which can cause issues when trying to play the game. 

  Required TCP Ports

Guild Wars 2

80, 443, 6112

When these ports are open and unrestricted, it allows your client to communicate and exchange information freely with the Guild Wars servers. This means that checking to ensure that the ports are open is an important step if you're experiencing connectivity issues.

Creating a Firewall Exception

It's easy to set Guild Wars 2 as an exception so that it is not blocked by your firewall. Here's how:


  1. Hit the Windows key and type Firewall.
  2. Select Windows Firewall.
  3. In the left navigation pane, select Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.
  4. In the Allowed Apps window that appears, click the change Settings button.
  5. Find the Guild Wars 2 Game Client in the list and make sure it's checked to run on your Private (home) network, or on a Public network if you want to play on unsecure networks.
  6. If you cannot find the Guild Wars 2 Game Client, click Allow another app... and find the client by browsing or entering a path to the client.
  7. Hit OK and then click Close to close the Windows Firewall window. 

Opening Required Router Ports

Accessing your router can be tricky if it is blocking incoming and outgoing connections, and the steps to do so vary from device to device. To learn how to use your device, you can visit this third-party site:

    • Note: This site is not officially affiliated with or backed by NCSOFT or ArenaNet.
  • IMPORTANT: If you're connecting to Guild Wars 2 while on a campus, military, or business network, please check with your network's administrator to verify that these ports are fully opened and unrestricted. If you are on a home Local Area Network (LAN), you will want to make sure that your network's hardware is properly configured.

For any further questions or assistance, contact the maker of your router or your ISP provider to learn more about how to properly configure your internet settings.